Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cell phones and Idling Vehicles

          We all know that the relationship between cars and cell phones is addictive and can often be disastrous. You know you really shouldn’t be dating that phone while you’re driving but you’re doing it anyhow.  There is a new trend that I have noticed this summer regarding the ubiquitous use of cell phones in  parked cars, though not as dangerous as talking/ texting while driving it does have a clear and deleterious impact on the environment and it is also illegal.
The fact is- it is against the law in the state of New Jersey to idle a vehicle for more than 3 minutes in most situations, (traffic, emergency vehicles or police cars not withstanding) The first offence of N.J.A.C. 7:27-14,15 is punishable by a $250 fine, the second offense is $500 and the third is $1000.
That’s not chump change but unfortunately this law is usually not enforced. People idle their vehicles anyway, when it is hot, when it is cold, when it is too windy and from my observations there is no temperature that is optimal for not sitting with your car running. But recently I have seen more and more people sitting in their idling vehicles talking on their cell phones.
When I am up for it I do go and ask politely, “Would you consider not idling your vehicle while parked?” I have had very mixed reactions from asking that simple statement: Some people turn off their cars and apologize, some people get defensive and don’t and now others say,” I would but I need to charge my cell phone.”
Newsflash/Hashtag : A standing gas powered engine is not a phone charger.
          Car exhaust contains carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide as well as many other pollutants and carcinogens. According to the Colorado Dept of Public Health- idling your engine for just one minute produces as much carbon monoxide as smoking three packs of cigarettes.
How big a problem is this? Just look in any place that people are waiting in cars- a parking lot, a train station, a school pick-up location and you will see idling vehicles. Look a little closer and more times than not you will see a cell phone in plain view.
With all the information we have regarding climate change, turning off a car’s engine when parked is clearly one of the simplest actions a person can take. Remember a standing car is getting 0 miles to the gallon even if cell phone bars are ratcheting up.